产品特性:继电器 | 加工定制:是 | 品牌:ZAP-IT |
型号:LEP-W-7101 | 种类:光电显示 | 波段范围:近红外 |
运转方式:单模式 | 激励方式:核泵浦 | 工作物质:半导体 |
光路径:反射型外光路 | 输出形式:NPN三极管型 | 传输信号:单电源型 |
速度:低速 | 通道:单通道 | 输出波长:10nm |
线宽:15mm |
ZAP-IT 激光器,激光对准纸等
Z-33 sheets are 3 inches square. 0.11mm thickness. LIMITED QUANTITY.
Z3T-25-50 sheets are 2 x 5 inches. 025mm thickness.
Z3T-48-50 sheets are 4 x 8 inches. 025mm thickness.
Z3T-48G-50 sheets are 4 x 8 inches with a grid. 0.25mm thickness.
Z3T-66 sheets are 6 x 6 inches. 0.25mm thickness.
LEP-W-7101 Laser Safety Glasses for Alexandrite, Diode and CO2
LEP-W-7101 Laser Safety Glasses for Alexandrite, Diode and CO2
LEP-W-5151 Laser Safety Glasses for Nd:YAG
LEP-W-5301 Laser Safety Glasses for UV, Argon and KTP
LEP-W-8801 Laser Safety Glasses for Dye and Diode
LEP-W-8801 Laser Safety Glasses for Dye and Diode